January 18, 2022
Dear Adult Campus Students:
Yesterday, Director of Education Greg Enion shared information about how COVID is impacting school attendance and staff availability. Today, Regina Public Schools is taking steps to reduce the risk of high school students missing their scheduled final assessments.
We are moving all Regina Public Schools high school classes to temporary remote learning from Thursday, January 20th to Wednesday, January 26th inclusive.
We are making this move to temporary remote learning for several reasons:
- To maximize the potential to have our teachers available for final assessments with our students without disruption due to illness or self-isolation.
- To minimize the chance that students will be exposed to COVID and have their final assessments interrupted.
The in-school final for Adult Campus is Thursday, January 27, 2022. Final assessments may be in-school, or remote as determined by the requirement of the class and the teacher’s discretion.
Schools and teachers will be communicating with students over the next days to share details for both remote learning and what they need to know in preparation for their final assessments.
Developmental Classrooms, FIAP, Victoria Campus and Functional Transition Classroom programs will continue in-class learning. And all high school staff will continue to work in schools and high schools will remain open.
This temporary shift allows the school division to redeploy substitute staff to other schools that may experience staffing shortages and will further minimize disruption for all students.
Thanks for your understanding. Study hard and stay safe!
Brent Bachiu
Allan Blakeney Adult Campus